E-HOMES - Lifetime Homes


Lifetime Homes standard 11 - Bathrooms and WC’s

Walls in bathrooms and WCs should be capable of taking adaptations such as handrails.

Reinforcements should be located between 300 and 1500mm from the floor.

Diagram 11a
Diagram 11a

These provisions in the WC and bathroom mean that adaptations can be introduced with a minimum of inconvenience.

Diagram 11b
Diagram 11b

A well-used method to reinforce the walls is to provide plywood reinforcements on 25x50mm noggins on (typically) 100x50mm studs

Lifetime Homes standard 12 - Lifts

The design should incorporate:

Diagram 12a
Diagram 12a - Stair lift
Diagram 12b
Diagram 12b - Stair lift

There should be a minimum of 900mm clear distance between the stair wall (on which the lift would normally be located) and the edge of the opposite handrail/ balustrade. Unobstructed ‘landings’ are needed at the top and bottom of stairs.

Diagram 12c
Diagram 12c

Through-the-floor lifts are made to a range of different specifications. Lift retailers can be contacted for the most up-to-date specification and dimensions.


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